I guess it’s my turn to write about the epic-ness that was #hellhikeandraft. I have truly enjoyed every word written about the trip, no not just enjoyed. I have drank up every word, reading slower and slower as each post comes to an end, because I don’t want it to end. Let me back up here and give some framework for what this #hellhikeandraft trip is all about. America’s Rafting Company is fortunate enough to call hells canyon snake river, the Salmon River canyon and the Owyhee River our “office” we have one of the coolest jobs on the planet and to sweeten the deal even more, ARC was also lucky enough to get a backpacking permit for the Seven Devils Wilderness here in Idaho. Our permit (one of two in existence) is an appendage to our hells canyon snake river permit, meaning that if we outfit a trip in the Seven Devils, our exit route has to be on the Snake River.
It takes an adventurous soul to sign up for a Hells Canyon Snake River rafting trip, but it takes an intrepid soul to embark on a multi-sport, backpacking and rafting trip with America’s Rafting Company into the Seven Devils Wilderness and through Hells Canyon Snake River country. This trip is not for the faint of heart. Climbing to one the highest peaks in Idaho (He Devil of the Seven Devils Wilderness sits just under 9,500 feet of elevation) and then descending into Hells Canyon Snake River, the deepest canyon in North America is an adventure to say the least. America’s Rafting Company knew that marketing this multi-sport trip could prove to be a challenge, as there were more moving parts and the participants on the trips needed to have grit and determination to make it through the elevation changes, the sore feet and the class IV rapids. The rewards and bragging rights that come after a successful completion of the most epic of epic trips are worth every step.
I digress, let’s get back to #hellhikeandraft and how it came to be. America’s Rafting Company was brainstorming ideas one chilly morning last winter, huddled around the wood stove in the shop and enjoying a morning brew, distracted by social media and checking up on our twitter feed. We had gotten a new follower, Adam Nutting with Hiking the Trail. Queue the lightbulb over the head, Parker had a great idea, contacted Adam and that was where #hellhikeandraft came into play. Parker had let Adam know about this permit that we held and proposed the idea of gathering a crew of awesome social media/blogger/outdoor gurus and putting on this epic trip. Adam hit the ground running and hand picked the crew, got some awesome gear sponsors lined up and Parker began the preparations from the outfitter side. Soon enough, September was here and the crew was landing in Boise:
Trevor Joy (coloradohiking.org)
Jes Zaneis (Chronic Climber Chick)
Adam Nutting (Hiking the Trail)
Tara Oster (Ski, Toast.)
Shannon Croom
Annie Yearout (Outdoorsy Mama)
Wendy Newland
More to come on this epic adventure next week!
See you on the river…