The countdown is on ya’ll! We have summer in our sights and it’s coming fast! Yikes, are we ready, well no. But, we’ll get ready in ahurry for Idaho River Rafting. Pre-season for us means utter chaos, it’s like Spring Cleaning on steroids. We have our winter projects to wrap up and gear to inspect, organize, repair, clean and put away. It’s really a lot of fun, but it can be just a bit stressful. The other thing we work against, just like everyone else is time and weather. The winters in New Meadows can be pretty extreme as far as snow, this year we had a very mild winter, but there is typically snow on the ground for 4-5 months, so we are limited on outside construction projects. This year, Spring came early, so we took advantage of the warm Spring days and became busy little Idaho river rafting bees.
Here is a list of what we are working on or have finished this Spring:
6 raised garden beds, built (by my brother), filled and almost all planted.
1 perennial flower bed to attract bees and butterflies (long live the Bees!)
1 boat shop cement floor poured
1 boat shop almost all complete (waiting on the big door to be installed)
1 warehouse completed (this is out most recent project, more on that to come)
1 awesome compost bin, made by my talented brother. Will be able to compost scraps from the river trips.
Chicken coop moved and new run built.
1 new 16′ Aire raft purchased and marked up, I introduce W.P. Hunt (more on naming rafts to come)
1 backyard, updated with gravel and firepit area
1 3-Day weekend spent with family: fishing, rafting and finding morels
1 very busy season, coming up! Ready, set, go…
Phew, that’s a pretty long list! It’s been great fun and this Idaho river rafting company can’t wait for summer to be here and for all the great guests we will take rafting this season. We are very lucky to do what we love, what’s the old saying: Do what you love, love what you do? That holds true for us, we absolutely love what we do!